Problems solved: Delivered a clean, simple and understated user interface design in line with the client's needs, worked closely with development team and conducted quality assurance testing to ensure that the final product matched the designs and the client's expectations.

My role: UI design, writing functional specifications, Quality assurance testing

The project

  • We worked through a few completely different design routes before arriving at the final design which fits the client’s needs.
  • I worked with Juliette Schack on producing design mockups, ensuring they were responsive and worked to uphold the clean and simple aesthetic.
  • My role was to interface between development team and the client, ensuring that all designs were accurately implemented in the Drupal theme, while also conducting quality assurance testing on the technical side to ensure that site features reflected the project brief and scope.
Screenshot of the IDMC website country page
Screenshot of the IDMC website mobile country page
Screenshot of the IDMC website search page
Screenshot of the IDMC website mobile search page
Screenshot of the IDMC website publications page
Screenshot of the IDMC website mobile publications page