Web and UX design projects

screenshot of ifrc.org
IFRC: Website development and design system

Problems solved: Designed and developed a new website to better represent the organization and its work, built a design system and component-based Drupal theme to give editors flexibility in creating their content while sticking to a structured and consistent library of patterns.

My role: UX/UI design, design system, front end development, Drupal development, training site editors/maintaining editor's guide, supporting editors on how to best display content

All images © IFRC

Screenshot of the IDMC website homepage
IDMC: UI design

Problems solved: Delivered a clean, simple and understated user interface design in line with the client's needs, worked closely with development team and conducted quality assurance testing to ensure that the final product matched the designs and the client's expectations.

My role: UI design, writing functional specifications, Quality assurance testing

IFRC world red cross and red crescent day 2022 branding
IFRC/ICRC: World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day campaign

Every year on 8 May, the IFRC and ICRC celebrate World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day in order to showcase the work that is done through the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement. The theme for 2022 was "Be Human Kind" - a campaign highlighting individual acts of kindness around the world.

All images © IFRC

Infographic for IFRC's world first aid day campaign showing the components of a first aid kit
IFRC: World first aid day campaign design assets

Every year the IFRC celebrates World First Aid Day. The goal of the campaign is to promote and encourage people to get trained in first aid and make the world a safer place. The 2020 campaign focused on basic first aid techniques, how to prepare a first aid kit, and how to navigate administering first aid in the context of a pandemic.

All images © IFRC

globalcommons.earth screenshot
IUCN: Global Commons website

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was in need of a website for their Global Commons campaign. The website was aimed at preserving and protecting the earth's shared natural resources through presenting the science behind our impact on them. The site featured videos and documents as well as many striking images from the IUCN's photo library.

Screenshot of the Wambo.org website home page
The Global Fund: Wambo procurement platform website

The Global Fund needed a website redesign for their Wambo project. The mission of Wambo is to create a global procurement platform designed to allow countries, NGOs and health suppliers with an effective, efficient buying interface to acquire important HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis medical supplies. The website acted as a front end brochure website explaining the purpose of the project, which leads users to their procurement portal.

wod homepage
IOF: World Osteoporosis Day website and posters

Every year on October 20, the International Osteoporosis Foundation celebrates World Osteoporosis Day. In 2015, the theme was how to prevent osteoporosis through nutrition. The campaign visuals centred around highlighting and showcasing bone-healthy ingredients. I produced a Drupal site with a custom theme for the campaign as well as designs for the campaign posters and branding.
