The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was in need of a website for their Global Commons campaign. The website was aimed at preserving and protecting the earth's shared natural resources through presenting the science behind our impact on them. The site featured videos and documents as well as many striking images from the IUCN's photo library.

The project

  • Created a custom Drupal theme which included a flexible component-based page builder, allowing site editors to have control over building pages and displaying content across a range of different media types.
  • Developed the site to be fully responsive so it displayed well across all screen sizes based on Juliette Schack's design.
  • Built a range of different template components which allowed for a more engaging and image-based layout while still sticking to the responsive grid and maintaining consistency across the site's visual style.

My role: Front end development, Drupal development

Screenshot of the website science page
Screenshot of the website mobile science page
Screenshot of the website contact page
Screenshot of the website mobile contact page